What Sales/Production Needs to Say to Production/Sales

“All sales reps are arrogant.”

“Production? They wouldn’t exist without us.”

Okay, gang. Let’s everyone just calm down while we go over some ideas for melting the ice…

What are the 3 most important things sales can tell production?

  1.  “I need this fast” Only ask for it when you are in a hurry. And don’t EVER ask for a rush job and then leave it sitting there for a day or two.
  2. “Thank you” Acknowledge the efforts. It’s important to acknowledge efforts in writing. Be sure to thank your customers. You will be surprised at how far it goes.
  3. “What can I do better?” It is important to keep the lines of communication open, as there are always improvements that can be made.

What are the 3 most important things production can tell sales?

  1. “Let me explain the process so that you understand.” Giving a sales rep an education on how the sausage is made gives necessary background information, reducing complaints (especially, “What’s taking so long?”).
  2. “Congratulations on landing that new account.” They may have spent months bringing them to you. It is important to acknowledge it.
  3. “What can we do better?” It is important to keep the lines of communication open, as there are always improvements that can be made.

While not quite Wile E. Coyote and The Roadrunner, let’s not wait for an anvil to drop off a cliff before improving the relationship between Sales and Production.

Want some fresh motivation? You need some motivation to get going? Learn sales best practices by joining The Sales Vault on SalesVault.pro. You can search the library and attend 20 Zoom live workshops per month. Bill Farquharson is available at 781-934 7036.

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