Replique and HP customize wheelchairs with 3D printing

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Replique, a German-based digital manufacturing company focused on creating simple and sustainable industrial processes, has leveraged HP’s industry-leading Multi Jet Fusion technology to change the way wheelchairs are designed and manufactured – making production more efficient, cost-effective, and personalized to the end user.

Replique and HP customize wheelchairs with 3D printing. RehaMedPower's RP1 electric wheelchair comprises 23 PA12 printed parts.

Replique’s mission to empower a seamless shift to decentralized manufacturing, with ease and confidence, was a key driver in its work with RehaMedPower, a German-based medical supplier specializing in wheelchairs. RehaMedPower, a German-based medical supplier specializing in wheelchairs, was attempting to create and launch a new, electric wheelchair called the RP1. However, traditional manufacturing methods required high investment costs, expensive molds, and increased prototyping time and product market.

Using HP’s Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) technology, Replique partnered with RehaMedPower to explore additive manufacturing for wheelchair design from prototyping to serial production. Together, the two companies identified many more parts than initially planned that could be manufactured in PA12 (Polyamide 12) using 3D printing – taking advantage of the technology’s greater flexibility in early production stages and cost-convenience compared to traditional manufacturing methods. For each wheelchair, 19 to 23 different parts are printed in 3D depending on who the customer is or what patient they’re buying.

Replique and HP customize wheelchairs with 3D printing. RehaMedPower's RP1 electric wheelchair comprises 23 PA12 printed parts.

In addition to the significant costs saved from bypassing injection mold production, costs were further reduced thanks to the digital storage of design files through Replique’s digital warehousing platform – enabling a faster go-to-market strategy and keeping RehaMedPower’s working capital low. RehaMedPower’s development costs have been reduced by 60% and the time taken to develop a prototype has decreased 30% compared to traditional injection molding.

At the moment, wheelchair users have few customization options. The 3D-printing technology makes it possible to adapt wheelchairs to the needs of each patient. With RehaMedPower’s RP1 wheelchair, patients were in the driver’s seat with the ability to customize and tailor various parts to their needs and lifestyles as well as choose from a wide color range.

After the successful launch last year of the RP1 wheel chair, it was widely adopted across Europe and even New Zealand. RehaMedPower is planning to continue this trend by incorporating additional AM designs into its RP1 wheelchair, and creating new products which will further enhance the innovative range of accessibility solutions. Fast spare part availability will also soon be offered during the use phase via Replique’s global production network, bringing on-demand production of spare parts to patients and customers whenever and wherever they need them.

“With 3D printed prototypes we were able to reduce our development time significantly,” said Thyl Junker, Head of Development at RehaMedPower. “When it comes to serial production in our industry, teaming up with Replique also offers some crucial benefits, such as flexibility in demand planning with production on-demand and the ability to implement changes rapidly and offer special parts to meet the individual needs.”

Replique and HP customize wheelchairs with 3D printing. RehaMedPower's RP1 electric wheelchair comprises 23 PA12 printed parts.

“Our collaboration with RehaMedPower shows that 3D printing offers so much more than just efficient prototyping. Thanks to the digital warehouse, it allows businesses to offer highly customer-centric products while maintaining cost-effectiveness and flexibility in serial production. We are looking forward to simplifying the life of RehaMedPower and most importantly, their valued patients,” said Mark Winker, Technical Sales Manager at Replique.

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